Small group negotiations with the university
On March 2nd 2016, Vice President Kawazoe produced a document entitled, “Discussions with the Yoshida Dormitory Committee”. This document demanded a large-scale overhaul of the way in which negotiations were conducted between the university authorities and the Yoshida Dormitory Committee, proposing a new system known as “small group negotiations”. As a committee, we decided that we did not wish to agree with these demands. We preferred to continue with the negotiation system that was already in place, known as “group bargaining”.
However, our committee is keenly aware of the urgent need to communicate with the university so as to enable repairs to be made to the old section of Yoshida Dormitory. In light of this situation, on April 12th 2018, the Yoshida Dormitory Committee submitted a request for small group negotiations with Vice President Kawazoe and the university authorities. In this request, we sought to reach a compromise with the university over the question of how negotiations between our two parties should be carried out. We have agreed to comply with the demands made by Vice President Kawazoe regarding negotiations as long as the following two conditions are met:
1 All negotiations are made public
There are a large number of stakeholders in Yoshida Dormitory. Therefore, we request that the transcripts of all negotiations with the authorities are made available to all relevant parties. Furthermore, we ask that the meetings be made open to anyone who wishes to attend and listen to the proceedings.
2 Rules for the protection of personal details
We are concerned that our representatives in the negotiations could experience negative repercussions if their names are made public. These repercussions might include unfair treatment in other areas of the university such as in clubs and circles or in other unrelated dealings with the university authorities. So as to prevent this from happening, we propose that guidelines be established for the handling of personal information connected with the negotiations such as individuals’ names, affiliation to organisations etc.