Our event space
in the dining hall
In 1986, Yoshida Dormitory’s dining hall was relocated and the dormitory stopped serving meals to students. Today, it is used as an event space. Below is a list of recent events which have occurred in the dining hall area:
Keppeki Theatre Group’s performance of ‘My Star’ (23-24 December 2017)
Kyoto Student Theatre Festival (2016 & 2017)
Tango Mochi Festival (21 January 2018)
Yoshida Dormitory Festival – live musical performances, plays, etc. (at least once a year)
And many more!
The dining hall is managed jointly by those who use it. The kitchen is not only used for cooking but also as a practice space for bands and other musical groups. There are not many other dormitories out there that are host to such a wide range of music and cultural activities. There is a long history behind the dining hall’s gradual conversion into an event space.
Breaking the boundaries between graduate and undergraduate students