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Problems with alternative accommodation

 The Basic Policy states that alternative accommodation will be provided to Yoshida Dormitory students. However, there are various problems associated with this alternative accommodation that are explained below. 

To prepare alternative accommodation for Yoshida Dormitory students, the university would have had to go through a process of organisation and budgeting. However, the university has not been open about the process it went through to arrange this alternative accommodation and the various proposals that may have been discussed. We estimate that it will cost the university roughly 100 million yen or more* to provide alternative accommodation to Yoshida Dormitory students. In 2005, a survey was conducted on the old building of Yoshida Dormitory and it was estimated that large scale repairs to the building would cost approximately 150 million yen. If the university can afford to spend around 100 million to arrange alternative accommodation for Yoshida Dormitory students, we do not understand why they refuse to invest a similar amount in making repairs to the old building of our dorm and solving the problem at its source. 

*calculation method

Total number of Yoshida Dormitory residents = 270 people 

The percentage of people who repeat a year of study of out of all Kyoto University students is 20%. To be safe, we assumed that 30% of Yoshida Dormitory students have repeated a year, meaning that 30% are ‘non-regular’ students. Therefore, the number of ‘regular’ students at Yoshida Dormitory who are entitled to alternative accommodation is calculated as 270 x 0.3 = 189 ‘regular’ students.

Assuming that the price of rent at the alternative accommodation is 40,000 yen per month, then the cost of alternative accommodation will be 189 people x 40,000 yen x 12 months = approximately 90 million yen per year.

Furthermore, considering the fact that many former Yoshida Dormitory students may live in alternative accommodation for a number of years, this cost will multiply further. 

Categorisation of students in the Basic Policy

Why do we prefer collective bargaining over small group meetings with the university?

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